Tuesday, 28 May 2013

What is Salt Room Therapy?

Salt Therapy is a drug free treatment in a controlled air medium that simulates the naturel salt cave microclimate. The therapy is performed in a spacious cave like room with salt coated walls and floor-The Salt Room. There are comfortable armchairs in the room and we have a separate play area for the children.

Dry sodium chloride aerosol containing particles of 1-5 micrometres in size is produced by a special Halo generator and released into the Salt Cave. Particles bigger than 5 micrometres are caught in the nose and throat, while the smaller particles can penetrate deep into the lungs. Negative ionization of salt aerosol increases the efficiency of healing. The air in the room is hypoallergenic, hypo bacterial and is very light so it is easy to breathe. Salt is an ancient remedy, it is a well know antiseptic and it also has anti-inflammation and mucolytic effects(loosening mucus),Dry salt aerosol produced by a medical device contains 80% of respirable particles, which alleviate bronchial inflammation, remove pathogen agents(airborne pollen)and speed up mucociliary transport.

One session lasts 1 hour and depending on the condition our staff can tell how many sessions are necessary in order to see long term benefits.

For further information and appointment contact:


SCO:21-22, FF, Sector 19-C, Chandigrah 0172-5052700, 073556-60700
Twitter: @saltroomchd
Facebook : saltroomchd
Blogger : saltroomcave.blogspot.com

SCF 26, FF, Main Market, Kitchlu NagarNear Punjab and Sind Bank, Ludhiana 
0161-5046700, 073554-75700

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